Aviso de Privacidad


cariad.com.cn is provided by Zhuhai Cariad Medical Technology Co., Ltd.(hereafter referred as “us”). We may collect and process your information when you are used serviced offered by Cariad. This Privacy Policy is a statement about how we collect, process, store and share theses information and how you can access to, update, control and protect these information when you are using our services. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, as it is closely related to your use of the service offered by cariad.com.cn. Please follow the guideline of this Privacy Policy to make proper choice when it’s needed. Related technical vocabulary mentioned in this Privacy Policy are expressed as concise as possible, and links of further explanation are attached for your understanding.


By continuing to access to or make use of our services, you agree us to collect, use, store and share your related information according to this Privacy Policy.

If you have any further questions about this Privacy Policy and/or comments, please contact  +86 756 886 6017 .


1.  What Information Do We Collect

We or our third party partners might collect, store and process the following information of you when offering services. If you do not provide related information, you might not able to register as our clients, enjoy some service, or achieve the intended effect of the relevant service.

l  Personal information, related personal information submitted when contact and consult us, including phone number, e-mail address and so on.

l  Location information, your location collected when you use the device location function and our location-based services, including: the geographical location information collected by GPS, WiFi and others when you use our services with mobile devices with location function; geographical location information collection can be stopped by turning down location function.

l  Log information, when you are using our services, the system might collect information through cookies, identifiers and related technologies and store as log information, including your device, viewing and clicking information, so as to provide personalized user experience and guarantee service security. You can reject or manage the use of cookies, identifiers or related technologies by browser settings.


2. Information Storage Method and Period

2.1 Information Storage

  • Your information is stored safely in local      storage, database and server log.

  • Generally, we only store your personal      information within the period necessary to achieve the purpose of the      service or under the conditions stipulated by laws and regulations.

2.2 Information Storage Area

  • Users’ personal information collected      inside China is stored in China according to laws and regulations.

  • At present, personal information is not      transmitted or stored across borders. If any needs of transmission or      storage across borders in the future, we will inform you the purpose,      receiver, security assurance measure and security risk about outbound      information.

2.3 Notification of Product or Service Operation Suspension

  • When our product or service      stop operating, we will inform you through notification, announcement and      other forms, and delete or anonymize your personal information within      reasonable period, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.


3. Information Security

Various security techniques and programs are adopted to avoid information loss, improper use, unauthorized access or disclosure. For example, in some services, encryption technique (such as SSL) is used to protect the personal information you submit. However, please understand that, in Internet industry, due to technique limitation and potential malicious means, even security measures are strengthened as much as possible, the information security cannot be fully guaranteed.


4. How do we Use the Information

The information collected among the process we offer service is used for the following purposes:

  • Provide services to users.

  • Used for identification verification,      customer services, security precaution, fraud detection, archiving and      backup when we are offering service, so as to ensure the security of the products      and services we provide to users.

  • Help us design new service, and improve      existing services.

  • Help us know better how you access to and      use our service, so as to meet your personalized demand, such as language      setting, location setting, personalized help and instruction, or response      to you and other users in other aspects.

  • Provide you with more relevant      advertisement than general advertising.

  • Evaluate the effect of the advertisement      and other promoting and marketing activities in our services, and improve.

  • Software verification or management      software upgrade.

  • Participate in the survey of our product      and service.


5. Information Sharing

At present, we do not share or transfer your personal information to a third party proactively. If there is any other conditions of sharing or transferring your personal information, or you need us to share or transfer your personal information to a third party, we will acquire your explicit agreement of the above behavior directly or through the third party.

For advertising, evaluating and improving advertising effect and other purposes, we need to share part of your data with advertisers, their agency and other third-party partners. They are required to strictly follow our measures and requirements of data privacy protection, including but not limited to processing according to data protection agreement, letter of commitment and relevant data processing policy, to avoid personal identity being recognized and ensure privacy security.

We would not share information that can be used to recognize your personal identity with our partners, unless expressly authorized.

We would not openly disclose personal information collected, if the information must be disclosed openly, we will inform you the purpose of this open disclosure, the type of disclosed information and sensitive information that might involve, your explicit agreement is necessary.

With the continuous development of our business, we may conduct mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers and other transactions, we will inform you of the relevant situation, and continue to protect in accordance with laws and regulations and standards not lower than the requirements of this Privacy Policy, or require the new controller continues to protect your personal information.

In addition, according to relevant laws and regulations and national standards, we may share, transfer, and publicly disclose personal information in the following situations without your prior authorization and consent:

l  Directly related to national security and national defense security;

l  Directly related to public security, public health, and major public interests;

l  Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

l  In order to protect the major legal rights and interests of the personal information subject or other individuals such as life and property, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual;

l  The subject of personal information discloses personal information to the public on its own;

l  Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.


6. Your rights

During your use of our services, we may provide you with corresponding operation settings depending on the specific circumstances of the product, so that you can inquire, delete, correct or withdraw your relevant personal information, and you can refer to the corresponding specific guidelines for operation. In addition, we have also set up a complaint reporting channel, and your comments will be dealt with in a timely manner. If you are unable to exercise your personal information subject rights through the above channels and methods, you can submit your request through the contact information provided in this Privacy Policy, and we will give feedback in accordance with laws and regulations.

When you decide to no longer use our products or services, you can apply to cancel your account. After canceling the account, we will delete or anonymize your personal information unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.


7. Changes

We may revise the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time. When a change occurs, we will remind you of the new Privacy Policy when the version is updated, and explain the effective date to you. Please read the changed Privacy Policy carefully. If you continue to use our services, you agree that we will process your personal information in accordance with the updated Privacy Policy.


8. Protection of Minors

We encourage parents or guardians to guide minors under the age of eighteen to use our services. We recommend that minors encourage their parents or guardians to read this Privacy Policy, and we recommend that minors seek the consent and guidance of their parents or guardians before submitting personal information.